Lurie Cancer Center Members
Membership in the Lurie Cancer Center is based on the investigator's cancer research focus and scholarly activity. A program assignment recommendation is made by the Executive Committee with final approval issued by the cancer center's director. Full members are assigned to a program in the Basic Science Research Division, the Clinical Science Research Division or the Cancer Prevention & Control Research Division. All members are welcome and encouraged to participate in any educational activities initiated by the Lurie Cancer Center.
Siddique, Juned
I am a Biostatistican in the Cancer Prevention and Control Division. My research efforts focus on developing statistical methods for handling incomplete or missing data. I apply these methods to a ran... [more]
Silverman, Richard
The primary focus in Silverman's laboratory is basic research into central nervous system disorders, including ParkinsonâÂÂs disease, cerebral palsy, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, addiction, and epil... [more]
Simon, Melissa
Dr. Simon's primary research interests are aimed at promoting health equity and eliminating health disparities among low income, medically underserved women across the lifespan. Integrating health ser... [more]
Singhal, Seema
Myeloma, Transplantation
Smith, Greg
Our laboratory studies the neuroinvasive herpesviruses with a focus on the molecular mechanisms by which these pathogens propagate and disseminate within the nervous system. We use a combination of li... [more]
Sonabend, Adam
Associate Professor
Dr Sonabend's research focuses on Topoisomerase II-mediated transcriptional regulation in gliomas, and personalized use of TOP2- targeting chemotherapy to treat malignant brain cancer. He is also... [more]
Song, Xiao
Research Assistant Professor
My research investigates the roles of RNA alternative splicing in brain tumor development, with the goal of developing innovative RNA-based therapies for brain cancer. I focus on several key areas... [more]
Sosa-Pineda, Beatriz
Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is one of the most lethal forms of cancer, with a 5-year survival rate of less than 5%. In my lab we use mouse models of the disease and primary cultures from t... [more]
Stupp, Roger
After completion of my clinical training in oncology/hematology,I have devoted my career to innovative treatments of cancer, with a special focus on brain tumors. While single modality... [more]
Stupp, Samuel
Development of novel bioactive biomaterials for regenerative medicine.