Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
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Cancer Epigenetics & Nuclear Dynamics Members

The Cancer Epigenetics & Nuclear Dynamics (CEND) program focuses on how nuclear dynamics and information flow within the cell are co-opted in cancer through altered genetic and epigenetic mechanisms.

Ma, Yongchao

Ma, Yongchao

Associate Professor


Our group is interested in studying the molecular and cellular mechanisms regulating mitochondrial function and metabolism in neurodevelopment and tumorigenesis. We are particularly interested in the ... [more]

Marko, John

Marko, John



At present my lab is focused on use of micromanipulation and imaging to analyze physical properties of chromatin in normal and cancer cells, large-scale chromosome structure, and on use of single-DNA ... [more]

Mendillo, Marc

Mendillo, Marc

Associate Professor


Cancers arise through a multistep process in which genetic and epigenetic lesions accumulate to drastically alter regulatory circuits, DNA, protein and energy metabolism. These alterations, and the in... [more]