Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
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Cancer & Physical Sciences Members

The Cancer & Physical Sciences Program unites fundamental chemistry, physical sciences and bioengineering groups that focus on developing cancer-relevant therapeutic and diagnostic agents using nano-scale materials and physical sciences approaches.

Scheidt, Karl


Our discoveries focus on efficient, enabling reactions and using simple organic molecules as catalysts. We have been heavily involved in the synthesis and study of multiple anti-tumor/anti-motility ag... [more]

Schiltz, Gary

Schiltz, Gary

Research Professor


Collaborate with faculty on translational research projects to advance basic research towards therapeutic endpoints using small molecules. In this role, I have led multiple early stage drug discovery ... [more]

Silverman, Richard


The primary focus in Silverman's laboratory is basic research into central nervous system disorders, including Parkinson’s disease, cerebral palsy, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, addiction, and epil... [more]

Stoddart, Sir Fraser


Stoddart is one of the few chemists of the past quarter of a century to have created a new field of chemistry - namely, one in which the mechanical bond is a pre-eminent feature of molecular compounds... [more]

Stupp, Samuel


Development of novel bioactive biomaterials for regenerative medicine.

Szleifer, Igal G


Professor Szleifer's group works on the development and application of theoretical methodologies to study the interactions between cells and biomaterials. For example, his group aims at understanding ... [more]