Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
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Marc Mendillo, PhD

Associate Professor, Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics; Feinberg School of Medicine

Marc Mendillo, PhD

Research Program


mendillo( at )


Cancer-Focused Research

Cancers arise through a multistep process in which genetic and epigenetic lesions accumulate to drastically alter regulatory circuits, DNA, protein and energy metabolism. These alterations, and the insults that accompany therapeutic intervention result in profound challenges to cellular protein homeostasis. Because of this, cancer cells are dependent upon the cellular stress response systems that are collectively known as the protein homeostasis network. Our research group bridges biochemical, genetic and chemical biology approaches with systematic high-throughput and genomic methods to define the mechanisms that govern this cellular protein homeostasis network. Our long-term goal is to elucidate the molecular mechanisms that influence and define cellular stress response systems and understand how these systems are co-opted and perturbed in malignancies.