Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
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Peng Zhang, PhD

Assistant Professor, Neurological Surgery

Peng Zhang, PhD

Research Program


peng( at )


Cancer-Focused Research

The goal of Dr. Zhang's research is to establish the feasibility of precisely targeting and modulating brain tumors and the surrounding immune microenvironment as new translatable therapeutic approaches. Current interests are focused on therapeutically remodeling the functionality of tumor-associated myeloid cells with the aim to reshape the immunosuppressive brain tumor microenvironment and to increase the responses to standard of care treatments. Dr. Zhang has engineered a variety of nanoparticle platforms as (1) combinatorial therapeutic approaches to improve the existing standard of care for glioblastoma, and as (2) new tools to advance mechanistic studies in basic cancer immunology and biology. The eventual goal is to bridge the gap from the bench-top research to bed-side care for improving the quality of care for brain tumor patients.