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Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine



Who Is Eligible

Membership is open to the following individuals:

  • Tenured or tenure-track faculty members of Northwestern University
  • Research faculty including Research Associates at Northwestern University
  • Other clinicians of the Northwestern Medical Group

What It Entails

Membership is awarded based on an applicant’s cancer research focus and scholarly activity.

There are three classifications of membership:

  • Full Member: Clinicians and scientists holding a faculty appointment in the University; evidence of continuous, active, scholarly productivity in the form of cancer relevant publications, funded research or leadership of investigator-initiated trials is required; clear and sustained commitment to participate in the collaborative research, clinical and/or education programs of the center, including cross-campus and inter-institutional activities is expected. Each member is assigned to a research program based on a recommendation from the executive committee and approval by the director.
  • Associate Member: Clinicians and scientists holding a faculty appointment in the University or its affiliated institutions; demonstrated interest and participation in Lurie Cancer Center basic, translational, clinical and population science research programs as well as other cancer-related programs and activities required; classification focuses predominately on faculty working in full member laboratories or other center programs but who do not have independent research status.
  • Affiliate Member: Faculty or other members of the Northwestern Medical Group, including members of Regional Oncology Practices, whose primary role is the provision of clinical cancer care, including enrollment of patients onto clinical trials; key administrative personnel and faculty of other institutions holding adjunct appointments at Northwestern University may be considered for this membership status as well.

Benefits of full membership include:

  • Access to strong infrastructure for interdisciplinary research programs and initiatives
  • Priority access and special pricing for Lurie Cancer Center supported shared resource facilities
  • Eligibility for intramural research funding opportunities
  • Access to internal training and education programs; priority consideration for external, professional education programs

Full members are expected to:

  • Provide and annually maintain an individual investigator research profile
  • Be willing to accept administrative responsibilities commensurate with membership classification, including service and/or leadership roles on center task forces and committees
  • Be willing to provide copies of cancer-related grant/contract applications to facilitate center planning for research programs and other multidisciplinary initiatives
  • Provide periodic progress reports of cancer-relevant investigative work as requested

How to Apply

Complete the online application form. A Northwestern NetID is required to log in. Your application will be reviewed by the executive committee and director of the Lurie Cancer Center. You’ll be notified of their decision by email. For application questions, contact Lurie Cancer Center Administration.